How Do I Choose the Best Ball Python Cages?

For someone seeking to bring Ball Pythons into his home, finding appropriate cages for these exotic pet reptiles is an important consideration. Ball Pythons, also known by their proper names as Royal Pythons or Pythons Regius, are a wonderful way to get started in the hobby of keeping pet snakes but many first time snake owners are unaware of the needs of their new exotic pets for housing and care. Careful thought should be given to the size of the cage, necessary accessories and equipment, as well as the various options for making your Ball Python cage escape-proof.

One of the primary considerations when choosing the best Ball Python cages for your pet is the size of the cage. Pet shops often send first time snake owners home with a ten gallon (37.85 liters) fish tank and a locking screen lid. While this is an excellent starter cage for a young Ball Python, it is important to realize that a well cared for snake will grow quite quickly and the confines of the ten gallon tank will no longer be large enough to accommodate a full grown Ball Python. Rather than making repeated purchases of successively larger Ball Python cages, or worse, keeping your snake in a cage that is too small, consider investing a little extra money in buying a larger cage when you first purchase the snake. In some cases, this may even save you money in the long run as pet shop owners will often offer discounts or package deals to those buying animals in their shop.

One should also consider the accessories and equipment that your Ball Python will require for proper care when choosing Ball Python cages. Ball Pythons, like other reptiles, require sunlight or light from a special bulb to utilize the vitamins in their food. The best Ball Python cages are equipped with these light sources or built to accept the equipment without a great deal of modification. These snakes are arboreal creatures, spending much of their life-cycle in the trees of their native rain forests. Ball Python cages should be large enough to incorporate climbing structures, such as tree limbs, as well as large, shallow water dishes and heat sources.

Being excellent climbers and unparalleled escape artists, Ball Pythons have earned a bit of notoriety in the pet snake keeping sector. To ensure that your pet snakes do not become wild snakes, it is important to consider how you will make the cage escape-proof. Ball Python cages, such as fish tanks, often feature locking lids with mesh or screen panels. Other types of Ball Python cages may utilize different locking measures to prevent the escape of your pet snake. When shopping for Ball Python cages, pay close attention to the locking and security measures in place on the available products to ensure that you are getting a cage that will adequately protect your exotic pet.