How Do I Choose the Best Chicken Steamer?

When it comes to cooking chicken, using a chicken steamer can be a game-changer. Steaming not only helps to retain the moisture and flavor of the chicken but also ensures a healthier cooking method minimizing the use of oil. However, with a plethora of options available in the market, choosing the best chicken steamer can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the factors to consider, functionality, types of steamers, and provide recommendations to help you choose the best chicken steamer for your needs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Chicken Steamer

1. Capacity:

The capacity of the chicken steamer is an essential factor to consider. It determines how much chicken you can cook at once. If you often cook for a larger family or enjoy hosting guests, opting for a steamer with a larger capacity would be ideal. On the other hand, if you regularly cook for a smaller group, a smaller capacity steamer might suffice. Consider your cooking requirements to choose the right capacity.

2. Size and Storage:

The size of the chicken steamer directly affects its storage and countertop space. Larger steamers may offer greater capacity but could be difficult to store in a cramped kitchen. Measure your available storage space and consider the dimensions of the steamer before making a purchase.

3. Material:

The material of the chicken steamer impacts its durability, heat conductivity, and maintenance. Stainless steel steamers are a popular choice due to their durability, even heat distribution, and easy cleaning. However, there are also options made from plastic or bamboo, which may be lightweight and cost-effective but may not have the same longevity as stainless steel steamers.

4. Functions and Features:

Different steamers come with various functions and features to make the cooking process more convenient. Look for steamers with programmable timers, auto shut-off, keep warm function, and digital displays. These features can enhance your cooking experience and allow you to multitask without worrying about overcooking the chicken.

5. Ease of Use and Cleaning:

Cooking should be an enjoyable experience, and having a chicken steamer that is easy to operate and clean can make a significant difference. Look for steamers that have user-friendly controls, clear instructions, and detachable parts that are dishwasher-safe. This will make your cooking experience hassle-free and save you time and effort during clean-up.

6. Price:

Set a budget before starting your search for the best chicken steamer. While it is tempting to go for the cheapest option, keep in mind that a higher price often indicates better quality and additional features. Consider your budget in conjunction with your requirements to strike the right balance.

Types of Chicken Steamers

1. Electric Chicken Steamers:

Electric chicken steamers are the most common and convenient type of steamers available. They come with built-in electric heating elements, timers, and temperature controls, allowing you to set the desired cooking time and temperature. Electric steamers are versatile and can cook a variety of dishes besides chicken, such as vegetables, seafood, and rice.

2. Stovetop Chicken Steamers:

Stovetop chicken steamers, also known as steam pots, require a stovetop for cooking. They consist of a large pot with a steamer basket or rack placed above the water level. These steamers are typically made of stainless steel and can be used on any stovetop. Stovetop steamers offer greater capacity compared to electric steamers but require manual monitoring and adjustment of heat.

3. Microwave Chicken Steamers:

Microwave chicken steamers are designed for quick and convenient cooking. They are usually made of microwave-safe plastic or glass and feature specially designed vented lids or inserts to allow steam to escape. These steamers are best suited for small portions or individuals who prefer single servings. Microwave steamers are not as versatile as their electric or stovetop counterparts but can be a convenient option for certain cooking needs.

Recommended Chicken Steamers

1. Instant Pot Duo Plus:
The Instant Pot Duo Plus is a multi-functional electric pressure cooker that also doubles as a chicken steamer. It features a large capacity, user-friendly controls, and various pre-programmed cooking options, including a steam function for chicken. With its stainless steel construction and additional functions like yogurt making and slow cooking, the Instant Pot Duo Plus offers excellent value for money.

2. Oster Double Tiered Food Steamer:
If you’re looking for a dedicated chicken steamer, the Oster Double Tiered Food Steamer is worth considering. It offers a generous capacity with two stackable steaming bowls, allowing you to cook different foods simultaneously. The transparent bowls let you monitor the cooking progress, and the compact design makes it easy to store. With its affordable price and reliable performance, the Oster Double Tiered Food Steamer is a great choice for chicken steaming.

3. All-Clad Stainless Steel Steamer:
For those who prefer stovetop steamers, the All-Clad Stainless Steel Steamer is a top-notch option. Made of high-quality stainless steel, this steamer offers exceptional durability and even heat distribution. Its large capacity and sturdy handles make it perfect for steaming multiple chicken breasts or a whole chicken. The All-Clad Stainless Steel Steamer is a long-term investment that guarantees excellent results every time.

4. Sistema Microwave Cookware Steamer:
If you’re seeking a microwave chicken steamer, the Sistema Microwave Cookware Steamer is a popular choice. This BPA-free plastic steamer features a unique vented lid and a removable tray for separating chicken from vegetables or rice. It is designed for quick and efficient cooking, making it suitable for fast-paced lifestyles. The Sistema Microwave Cookware Steamer is a versatile option that can steam fish, poultry, and vegetables with ease.


When choosing the best chicken steamer, consider factors such as capacity, size, material, functions, and ease of use and cleaning. Electric steamers provide convenience and versatility, while stovetop steamers offer greater capacity with manual operation. Microwave steamers are ideal for quick cooking needs. Recommended chicken steamers include the Instant Pot Duo Plus, Oster Double Tiered Food Steamer, All-Clad Stainless Steel Steamer, and Sistema Microwave Cookware Steamer. By considering your specific requirements and budget, you can find the perfect chicken steamer to enhance your cooking experience and create delicious, healthy meals.