How do I Choose the Best Cod Liver Oil for Children?

Helping a child receive adequate nutrition can be a challenge when a nutritious diet is not always available, making supplementation an alternative and suggested route to nourishing a growing body. Cod liver oil is the oil from the cold water fish that contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, or what is termed healthy fats in the diet. It helps provide clear skin as well as aids in proper growth and repair mechanisms for the body. When choosing the best cod liver oil for children, one needs to take into account the taste of the supplement and the method it is administered. There are often brands which produce cod liver oil for children, and these manufacturers often use techniques such as taste and packaging to appeal to children.

Of the cold water fish, cod is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin D, as well as necessary and crucial healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats are mainly found in fish and sea vegetables, and help the body build and maintain repair mechanisms, as well as aid in regulating proper growth and immune functioning. Many parents look for a cod liver oil for children because at times it can be difficult for a child to partake in the actual process of consuming these essential fats in the diet. Most companies, however, provide a supplemental form of cod liver oil for children that disguises the taste and look of regular cod liver oil.

As cod liver oil has a slightly fishy taste, many picky children and adolescents find the supplement repulsive. When looking at cod liver oil for children, it is important to find the liquid form that disguises the taste with different flavors. Sometimes a supplement will hide the original taste with a fruit extract or other flavor that will appeal to children and provide easy intake for the child. It is also wise to find a cod liver oil that doesn’t require a large amount or too many servings to swallow in one sitting.

If a child is old enough to take cod liver oil in capsule form, this may be a good route to eliminate any chance of experiencing a bad taste. Usually, cod liver oil is available in easily swallowed gel capsules, making for a smooth ride down the throat. Often, children and adolescents do not respond well to capsules of any kind, yet it is an option to look into based on the preference of a particular child. It is also important to make sure that the serving amount requires the least minimal intake of capsules in one sitting, to ensure that the child will actually consume the oil.