How Do I Choose the Best Dead Sea Buffer?

A Dead Sea buffer usually contains salts from the Dead Sea along with organic essential oils and, occasionally, skin-softening butters. With the wide array of Dead Sea buffer mixtures available, it can be difficult to choose one based on individual needs. When choosing a scrub, one must first read the label to confirm the salts are really from the Dead Sea and that there are no artificial ingredients. After that, one must assess one’s personal skin needs and find a buffer that fulfills them.

Reading the label on a Dead Sea buffer is one of the most important steps in choosing a product. Many of the salts harvested from the Dead Sea are unprocessed, meaning they contain minerals and nutrients that are beneficial to the skin. If the label says something like ‘iodized salt,’ or ‘processed salt,’ some or all of the salts may not be authentic to the Dead Sea region. The label should typically state that the salts are Dead Sea salts, and some labels even confirm the color, which ranges from pink to black and grey.

Additional things to look for on the label are chemical additives. A Dead Sea buffer often contains oils and scents to help soften skin and soothe the user with aromatherapy. The essential oils, ideally, should be organic, or at least authentically from plants. In general, if the label lists something like ‘lavender scented oil,’ followed by what the oil is made from in parentheses, it isn’t plant-based. Plant-based essential oils are usually listed alone, sometimes with the word ‘organic’ preceding them.

Though many Dead Sea buffers contain preservatives to keep them from spoiling on the shelves, the best quality scrubs don’t usually contain an excess of them. One or two preservatives can be expected, but more than that may degrade the quality of the product. The same usually holds true for artificial scents and colors. Manufactured colors aren’t usually necessary to help the Dead Sea buffer work and artificial scents can sometimes be overpowering. In general, the only scents a quality Dead Sea scrub needs are essential oils, however, even organic salts may contain food-safe colorants, which are usually safe for the skin.

After finding a quality Dead Sea buffer selection, one must consider how it will be used. Scrubs for the face should generally contain finer salts, to avoid damaging skin, and rose hip oil or tea tree oil. These oils are gentle and help to keep the face soft and blemish-free. Citrus oils work well for the hands and feet, as do chamomile and bergamot. A Dead Sea buffer for the body may contain any desired scent, but should also feature almond, olive, or grapeseed oil to keep the skin soft and pliable.