How do I Choose the Best Deportation Attorney?

Locating the best deportation attorney should involve a variety of considerations, such as cost and the services provided, and might require you to conduct personal interviews with potential attorneys and to check their references. Research the educational and licensing requirements for a deportation attorney in the country in question. A search for the best deportation attorney should begin with checking the credentials of a potential attorney. Locate the licensing or disciplinary board for attorneys, and inquire regarding any complaints that the attorney has received or any disciplinary action taken against the attorney. Also inquire about when the attorney received his or her license to determine how long he or she has been practicing.

Deportation is the legal process by which a country determines that a foreign-born national is illegally present in the country. When a foreign-born national is found to be illegally present, he or she might be removed and returned to his or her home country. A deportation attorney represents foreign born nationals throughout the deportation proceedings.

Each country or sovereign state determines who may enter the country and under what conditions. In most cases, a foreign-born national will need a passport and often a visa to enter another country. If a foreign-born national wishes to work or reside in the new country on a more permanent basis, then additional requirements are frequently required before approval is given. Failure to secure the proper permission to enter or remain in a foreign country might lead to deportation proceedings in the country’s immigration court and will require the assistance of a deportation attorney.

To choose the best deportation attorney, be sure to interview several of them. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. If that is not an option, then consider paying a small consultation fee to a few selected deportation attorneys after you have a short list of options. During the interview, ask the deportation attorney how many deportation cases he or she has handled and what the outcomes of those cases were. Although an attorney might be prevented by attorney-client privilege from divulging specific information, he or she should be able to provide you with general statistics regarding the cases he or she has handled and whether they resulted in deportation.

When you are interviewing prospective deportation attorneys, make sure to ask about fees. If possible, get the fee agreement in writing so that there are no surprises if you decide to hire the attorney. Although money should not be the only consideration, in many cases, cost is a realistic factor in making a decision.

Finally, ask for references. Attorney-client privilege does not apply if the client has agreed to waive the privilege. Most attorneys will have a few clients who have agreed to act as references and who will speak to potential clients regarding their experience with a particular attorney.