How Do I Choose the Best Digestive System Supplements?

There are general digestive system supplements as well as specific ones to aid system issues such as indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux and gas. There are many conditions which affect the process of digestion and the choice of the best digestive system supplements depends on what the condition is. Herbal and non-herbal digestive system supplements may be taken in order to activate the digestive system, build up the system with the provision of more nutrition and cleanse the system.

An efficient digestive system, made up of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine, is necessary for the proper assimilation of food. The digestive process may be adversely affected by medications such as antibiotics, an unhealthy diet, stress, smoking, alcohol and disease. Many of these conditions can be dealt with by making changes in lifestyle choices and taking digestive system supplements.

Digestive system supplements are divided into herbal and non-herbal types. Herbal digestive supplements are popular as they are natural, do not contain any chemicals or preservatives and include ingredients such as anise, camomile, peppermint and milk thistle. Most of these are available as teas, capsules or powders. Chinese herbology also supports the use of herbal supplements for conditions such as gas, abdominal discomfort and bloating as well as detoxification.

Non-herbal digestive system supplements normally comprise pro-biotic digestive enzymes which come in the form of drinks. A popular general digestive supplement is pro-biotics which contain bacteria that resemble the good bacteria in the stomach. The human digestive tract contains approximately 400 different sorts of pro-biotic bacteria whose role is to combat harmful bacteria and promote digestive health. People take this type of supplement to help with specific conditions such as diarrhea, digestive tract infections, irritable bowel syndrome and to prevent negative side effects through the taking of antibiotics. Others take it every day in order to promote general health.

As many digestive supplements are not under the control of food and safety guidelines, there is no guarantee that many supplements or brands of supplements are effective or even safe. Just because something is natural, it does not mean it does not have any harmful side-effects. Before buying digestive system supplements, ensure that the brand and ingredients are trusted and of good quality. It is also advisable to research the problem and solution or seek the advice of a medical practitioner before taking any supplements.