How Do I Choose the Best Double Cream?

The best double cream comes from the United Kingdom, where the term was coined. This thick variety of heavy cream, which is almost 50 percent butterfat, is known for being a delicious addition to desserts and other recipes. Double cream whips up incredibly thick — almost to the point of butter — very quickly. There are varieties of this product that are organic, so you should check the label when looking for the best choice. If you cannot find double cream at the store, there are other places you can look, or you can attempt to substitute whipped heavy cream or Devonshire cream instead.

If you are in the United Kingdom, double cream is available at many grocery stores. In other parts of the world, it might be a little more difficult to find, but it is not impossible. Double cream generally is found in the dairy section and should not be confused with clotted or heavy cream. The best product will be labeled appropriately so that you know exactly what you are getting. Make sure that you check the expiration date on the label so that you are not purchasing a product that runs the risk of being spoiled.

Dairy farmers will often sell double cream to their customers, so contact a local dairy farm if you are having difficulties locating the product. By purchasing it from a farm, you can be assured that the product is fresh, and the best varieties of double cream are extremely fresh. Choosing a farmer from whom you can buy your product enables you to ask him or her questions about the cows that are used and other products that the farmer carries. Developing a relationship like this is a helpful way to get quality milk products at reasonable prices.

Some products are labeled organic, which means that the cows were not given hormones or antibiotics and were fed with organic food. If eating organic is important to you, the best double cream will come from cows that were raised in this way. If you are having problems locating a store or a farmer to sell you double cream, there are many online shops that sell and ship the product. Heavy cream is lighter than double cream but can be whipped and substituted in a pinch. Devonshire cream, or Devon cream, is thicker but also can be substituted if you are having difficulties locating the product.