How do I Choose the Best Felting Classes?

Considering a few factors such as class size, cost, and curriculum may help you chose the best felting class for your needs. Knowing the type of felting you wish to concentrate on may also help you decide what types of classes to seek out. Also think about whether you want to learn a new type of felting or brush up on a skill you’ve already learned.

Felting classes come in many different varieties and are offered in many different media. Some classes will serve to teach the art and help you hone your skills. The most common classes offered will most likely cover wet or dry felting, or perhaps a combination of the two. Dry felting may also be referred to as needle or punch felting, whereas wet felting does not generally use needles at all.

When looking for the types of felting classes available, it may be beneficial to expand beyond locally offered options. Some classes have been recorded and can be purchased on digital video discs, or DVDs. This allows the student to learn from home at her own pace. There may also be an option of online classes, which again allow the student to learn at home. The challenge with these methods of learning is that an Internet-based class may be too large to offer one-on-one attention. Classes offered locally may be smaller and allow for more personal attention.

Some basic felting classes may be offered in local libraries or community centers for free. These will generally help a person learn how to felt, teach a few techniques, and offer a couple of simple project ideas. When you begin to branch into more advanced classes, there is normally a fee involved, and it is important to weigh that fee against the benefits you actually expect from the class.

Felting classes will very often offer a class program or curriculum. At the very least, the media in which the class is advertised will offer a paragraph or two explaining what the class will cover. This is a good way for you to know what to expect, and it can help you decide if the class is right for you. Those teaching the felting classes are also generally easy to contact if you happen to have specific questions about their classes.