How do I Choose the Best Fitted T-Shirts?

Customers who are shopping for fitted T-shirts should start by determining how the T-shirt will be used. Generally, fitted T-shirts are quite versatile, and can be used for either business or personal purposes. Those who are interested in purchasing a fitted T-shirt should also consider the material from which the shirt is made, as well as the cost of the shirt, before making a final purchase. Finding the perfect shirt can occasionally take a substantial period of time.

In order to choose the best fitted T-shirts, it is important for customers to first consider how they will be used. For example, in business settings, when a button-down shirt, vest, or sports coat will be worn over the shirt, a plain product is typically considered to be best. In contrast, when worn with a pair of jeans, a fitted T-shirt with a specialized collar, stitching, or other forms of embellishing can look casual but trendy.

It is also important for customers to consider the material from which the T-shirt is made. In most cases, fitted T-shirts which are made from cotton will shrink quite dramatically when washed in hot water and dried. While this may be okay for those shirts which will be used for casual purposes, one that is used for work and which has been shrunken to a much smaller size can be very unprofessional. Fitted T-shirts which are made from nylon or other man-made materials will usually not shrink with washing, and thus can be sized quite easily. In contrast, those made from cotton or other materials prone to shrinkage and which will be used for work purposes should be purchased in a slightly larger size in order to ensure that the shirt does not become too tight.

Those who are interested in purchasing fitted T-shirts should also consider the cost of the item. Typically, the way it will be used can dramatically influence how much an individual will be willing to pay for a product. In general, individuals purchasing fitted T-shirts for work purposes should feel comfortable paying a bit more for a high-quality product, while a casual T-shirt can often be purchased for a relatively low rate. No matter what style you are shopping for, it is important to create a budget and stick to it.