How Do I Choose the Best Gerbil Cage?

Since pet gerbils normally spend most of their time inside pet cages, choosing the right one is an essential part of owning them. An important factor is the size of the cage; this often depends on whether there are multiple gerbils using it. Choosing the proper construction can help you make sure these animals are safe and easily attended to. You may need a different gerbil cage for introducing these pets to one another than you would otherwise use for two or more gerbils that are well acquainted.

Each gerbil needs approximately 5 gallons (18.93 l) or 1.2 cubic feet (0.03 cubic m) of space, but you may want to increase this amount if there are multiple gerbils. This is because you could need to place larger food and water dishes inside the gerbil cage, leaving these animals less room to run and play. A good size for two gerbils could be around 12 gallons (45.43 l) or 1.6 cubic feet (0.05 cubic m), but for three animals, one approximately 18 gallons (68.14 l) or 2.4 cubic feet (0.07 cubic m) might be a better choice.

The proper design and materials can ensure the gerbil cage is durable yet keeps these animals from being hurt. One with solid walls much like that of an aquarium is usually recommended because the gerbils cannot be stuck in between openings as they might if the cage is a wire one. Glass is typically thicker and holds up well, unlike plastic units that sometimes break when the gerbils peck or climb on them. A roof made of tight mesh usually allows for good airflow yet fits snugly enough so the animals cannot escape. It is normally easy to remove one of these lids to clean the cage or provide food and water.

Placing a new gerbil into a cage without first letting it get acquainted with other gerbils could be disastrous, as these animals sometimes fight when they are not properly introduced. This means you could want a special gerbil cage when training these pets to interact with one another. One with a screened wall in the center is typically ideal; however, gerbils may break through this barrier unless the wire is securely fastened to the sides. Fully integrating two gerbils may take up to a week, so the cage should be capable of supporting these pets for this amount of time so there is no interruption in training due to lack of adequate facilities.