How Do I Choose the Best Henna Oil?

Henna oil is a type of ingredient often combined with powders derived from the Lawsonia inermis plant. Also called the henna plant, the powders are used to create dyes for the skin as well as the hair. Choosing the best essential oil with the powder extracts depends on whether you are looking for a natural plant-based version, or a conventional type that contains certain chemicals. This type of oil can also be made at home with a few ingredients. No matter which type you choose, the best henna oil should work with powder extracts by preventing them from drying out too quickly.

Essential oils are traditionally derived from plants or flowers, and they have a variety of home and beauty uses. Henna oil is primarily used to work with the corresponding plant’s flower before applying to the hair or skin. Temporary tattoos made with henna often utilize the essential oil to help to ease the application process. Although skin uses are more traditional, henna has increased in prevalence in the hair dye market due to its speedy results. Henna oil is often combined with such hair products to make the application process easier, and it usually creates more dramatic, long-lasting color.

The best type of henna oil that you choose first depends on for what you are using it. Essential oils are prevalent in natural food, beauty, and online stores. If you are applying a henna tattoo, you will want to look for a product that is specifically designed for skin use, which may be sold in some types of tattoo parlors. Hair oils are sometimes easier to find because they are present in a wider variety of stores. Henna oil can also be used to take corresponding tattoos off, and it might help to minimize certain hair dyes when mistakes are made.

Organic and conventional henna oils are available, so choosing one or the other depends on your personal preferences. Traditional oils sold on the market often contain chemicals, while organic versions are made from plant ingredients. Organic henna oil is most often sold in natural food stores, but it is increasing in prevalence within online outlets as well. A truly organic product is made from ingredients that are not treated with pesticides.

An alternative to bottled henna oil is to make a homemade version with a few simple ingredients. Black tea, lemon juice, and eucalyptus oils are common ingredients used together to make homemade henna essential oil. You might consider testing the mixture on a small area of your hair or skin after combining with henna powder to ensure that it is the correct consistency and color that you desire.