How do I Choose the Best Hydrocortisone Creams?

Hydrocortisone cream is most often used to treat arthritis, eczema, and other skin conditions. In order to achieve the best results when it comes to the treatment of these conditions, it is important to choose the best cream. Those who are interested in purchasing hydrocortisone cream should first evaluate their needs, including both why and where the cream will be used. Before making a final purchase, customers should do some background research on all potential creams, focusing on tests performed on the product, the results of these tests, and any potential side effects.

In order to choose the best creams, it is important for customers to first consider the reason for purchasing the cream. Those who are suffering from minor skin conditions or allergic reactions can typically achieve their desired results with mild, over-the-counter forms of hydrocortisone cream. In contrast, those who suffer from severe arthritis or other, more advanced skin conditions will often require a prescription-strength cream. Usually, these are only recommended when other forms of treatment prove unsuccessful, and can only be obtained through a prescription from a physician.

When looking for this product, interested customers should also consider the part of the body onto which the cream will be applied. In most cases when selecting between strengths of hydrocortisone creams, the body part affected trumps the severity of the condition. For example, those using this product on the face, neck, or hands are typically recommended to use a relatively mild product, while those searching for a cream for use on the arms, legs, or torso may achieve the best results with a stronger dose. In some cases, a pharmacist may be able to suggest a specialized product whose strength is in between that of prescription and over-the-counter preparations.

Customers who are interested in purchasing hydrocortisone creams should also read reviews of potential products before making a final decision. In most cases, these items are regulated for federal agencies that regulate medications and prescriptions. Interested individuals should therefore have no difficulty locating plenty of information related to tests performed on the products, as well as results of these tests, effectiveness rates, and potential side effects. In addition, a pharmacist or physician should be able to provide some information when it comes to particular products. Creams that are relatively new on the market and which have undergone little scientific testing should generally be approached with caution.