How do I Choose the Best Inversion Table?

The best inversion table will work with you, not against you. In other words, it will be easy to get into, easy to get out of, and it will be comfortable while you are using it. An inversion table is meant to help you take pressure off your spine, and they work quite well for people with consistent back pain. Not all tables are equal, however, and when you are considering the best inversion table, it helps to try out several for ease of use and comfort. Storage is another consideration, as an inversion table can take up quite a bit of room when in use; it helps to purchase a version that stores easily behind a door or in a closet.

To find the best inversion table, look for the one that is the most stable, and which has a good pivot point that does not set the apparatus off balance. Remember, you will be hanging upside down on this table, so if it collapses, you could get injured quite severely. The best inversion table will be made of sturdy materials and have solid joints with bearings or other type of strong pivot. Look for metal tubing and avoid plastic. Look, too, for a table that folds easily, that has locking mechanisms in place when the table is in use, and one with footings that will not scratch a wooden floor.

Comfort and ease of use are two important factors when determining the best inversion table. Soft foam braces for the ankle and foot will make your life a lot easier when hanging upside down. Remember that the body’s weight will be burdening the ankles and foot, so stirrups or harnesses that do not adequately cushion the feet will cause pain, preventing you from reaping the benefits of the table. A padded backing, known as the bed, should also feel comfortable on your back, neck, and head. Some beds even feature a neck roll for added comfort. Be sure to choose a bed that is not too rigid, which may cause undue stress on the back.

A good stabilization system is a sign of the best inversion table. When you initially get into an inversion table, you will be in the upright position. You will need to get yourself upside down to feel the effects of the table, so strong, comfortable, well-placed handlebars are a necessity for the best inversion table. Look for a system that will allow you to get into the inverted position easily; more importantly, look for a system that will allow you to get out of the inverted position easily should the need arise.