How do I Choose the Best Lecithin Vitamin?

Before choosing a lecithin vitamin, it is important to consider which source of lecithin one is most comfortable with based on individualized diets and ethical concerns. Egg yolk lecithin supplement is one type of lecithin supplement that provides the same benefits as any other lecithin vitamin, but may not be suitable for vegetarians or vegans. Plant sources of lecithin include soy lecithin, and may be preferred over an animal source for those seeking to remove animal products from their diet based on health or ethical reasons. Certain benefits from taking a lecithin vitamin may be related to weight loss and stress release, but these have not been consistently proven in a clinical setting.

Lecithin supplements can be made from eggs, and are often included in many of the popular brands available on the market. Lecithin acts as a binder and emulsifier, as do the oils and fats in eggs, so egg yolks make an excellent lecithin vitamin. Egg yolk lecithin is available in capsule form which is taken before each meal to help aid the breakdown of dietary fats, however, this has not been clinically proven. This form of lecithin is also available in powdered form, making it a perfect lecithin vitamin or supplement to be added to smoothies or sprinkled on foods to help provide a thicker consistency.

Another lecithin vitamin can be taken in the form of soy, which is a plant source of lecithin that many vegetarians and vegans prefer. Many health conscious consumers stick to obtaining lecithin supplements from those that have been mechanically extracted from soy beans, rather than chemically extracted. Soy lecithin is available in capsule form, and it is also recommended to take this vitamin before each meal. The powdered soy lecithin can be used in foods as well, and aids in thickening liquids due to its binding and fat-like properties.

There are many health reasons behind why one would seek a lecithin vitamin, however, not many of the claimed benefits have been explained or even proven. One health claim is that lecithin supplements, regardless of the source, aid in the breakdown and digestion of fats in the body. It is also believed that lecithin contributes in bringing down high cholesterol, consequently reducing the risk for future heart disease or stroke. Lecithin powders are also seen for their industrial uses in food manufacturing, as lecithin powders can give a fat-like consistency to low-fat products and aid in thickening various commercial beverages.