How Do I Choose the Best Leg Wax?

Leg wax is widely available over-the-counter at supermarkets and at beauty supply stores as an alternative to expensive professional waxing. Waxes for your legs are available in traditional tubs, but there are also strip versions available for optimized convenience. The former method generally provides the best results, although it is more difficult to use. Choosing the best leg wax might also depend on trying various products until you have found the version that works well with your skin.

Leg wax comes in two different forms: tubs and strips. Traditional wax tubs are heated in the microwave or with a wax heater, which is sold at many beauty supply stores. The heated wax is applied to the legs and used with cloth strips to remove hair. Leg wax strips sold in boxes at stores already have the wax in the strips, which saves you the step of applying wax directly to your legs. Strips generally do not have the long-lasting results that traditional methods do, but you might choose this type of leg wax if you prefer the convenience.

There are signs that a particular wax might not be the best one for your legs. The purpose of leg wax is to remove hair for a long period of time, so you do not have to shave your legs regularly. If your hair grows back within a few days of using one brand of wax, you should try another. Signs of a harsh product can also cause ingrown hairs and skin irritation.

A quality leg wax will not give you the results that you desire if you do not prepare the skin properly beforehand. Take a shower before waxing to remove dirt from the legs. Using warm water will also help to loosen the hairs, making the process easier and perhaps less painful. You will also want to wash the legs after waxing to remove any excess product that can lead to skin irritation. Immediately afterwards, moisturizing lotion should be applied to replenish any oils that the wax may strip away from the legs.

There are some precautions to take before waxing your legs, particularly if you have preexisting rashes, irritated skin, or blemishes and moles. You might consider holding off on leg waxes until such conditions clear up. No matter what type of leg wax you choose, you are at an increased risk of infection if you have poor circulation, varicose veins, or diabetes. Consider talking to a dermatologist before waxing if you have any of these health ailments.