How Do I Choose the Best Long Leash?

Long leashes are used to help train, maintain, and protect a pet. They are typically used for dogs and cats, though more exotic animals also require a leash. Leashes are quite affordable and come in an array of options with different features. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the best long leash for your pet: the type of pet, the activeness of the owner, and the history of the pet’s behavior.

The type of pet should be a factor when purchasing a new long leash. Retractable leashes are a great option as they allow for an adjustable distance between you and your pet. They can reach up to 30 inches (76 cm) or more via a large button you can press with your thumb. A long leash can hold a pet around the body or around the neck area. Hemp leashes are available for more eco-conscious consumers.

Thicker, stronger leashes can be purchased for larger, heavier pets. Long leashes that fit around the body of the pet can take strain off the neck. Many pet owners have multiple cats or dogs, and combination long leashes allow the owner to walk multiple pets. Leashes with six or more holding belts, which are mostly for dogs and cats, are available in major pet stores and online. Cats require less frequent walks and often different harnesses from dogs.

Consider what you want to accomplish by walking or running your pet. Physically active owners can accomplish two tasks at once by getting exercise and running with their pets. If the owner is active and enjoys biking and running, custom leashes are available for a pet to run alongside its owner. These leashes have flexibility and shock absorbency and keep an adjustable distance between you and your pet. A long leash that connects to the bicycle is totally hands free.

Also, consider the history of the pet’s behavior when choosing the best long leash. If the pet has a history of aggression toward humans or other pets, keep the distance between you and your pet closer. This will protect the animal, the owner, and third parties as well. Exotic pets with less of a domestic history should have sturdy leashes when taken out in public. Pets such as primates should always be kept on leashes as they display unpredictable behavior regardless of prior training.