How Do I Choose the Best Makeup for Sensitive Skin?

When selecting makeup for sensitive skin, you will have to be diligent in selecting a brand that is specially formulated for your skin type. Choose a foundation that is formulated without heavy synthetics or oils that could potentially clog pores. Whenever you go shopping for makeup, make sure to select a foundation that is water-based and made up of powdered minerals. Follow this rule when selecting face and eye primers, lip sticks, and eye shadows.

Water-based foundation tends to be lighter in consistency, and have less ingredients that can potentially clog spores. Oil-based foundations tend to be heavy, which can create an unhealthy film on the surface of the skin that can cause cystic formations. Always check the ingredient list and make sure that the foundation is free of alcohol as well, which is an agent that can excessively dry out the skin.

No matter if you are going for liquid or powder foundation, make sure that you select a foundation that is formulated with minerals. Finely milled minerals are gentle on the skin. Makeup for sensitive skin can benefit from mineral formulations, as it does not only moisturize the skin, but it is also known to soothe irritation, abrasions, as well as help improve the overall texture of the face.

When selecting a primer for either the face or the eyes, make sure that it is free of heavy, synthetic silicones. Silicones will create a thick film on the skin, which can be potentially comedogenic. Try to select a face and eye primer that is formulated with water or with natural emollients free of parabens.

Shopping for makeup for sensitive skin will require you to select natural ingredients, especially when it comes to lips. The lip area is only a few cells thick, making it prone to dryness and flakiness. When shopping for a new lipstick, make sure to select the ones that are formulated with emollients or humectants like shea butter, coconut oil, or aloe vera. Try to avoid lip stains, as most will be formulated with alcohol. The alcohol allows lip stains to dry relatively quickly, but can also dry out the sensitive lip area.

Makeup for sensitive skin will require you to stray away from synthetic colors. If shopping for eye shadow, try to avoid palletes that are formulated with bismuth oxychloride. This ingredient has been known to clog pores. Select eye shadows that use finely milled talc, or better yet, purchase eye shadows that are cream based, which tend to be gentler on the face.