How do I Choose the Best Microdermabrasion Cream?

Before you begin comparing the different kinds of microdermabrasion products, you should first determine your skin type and the skin problems you want to improve. Different dermabrasion creams are designed for different skin types and to produce different results. As is the case with many products, an expensive microdermabrasion cream isn’t always more effective than a less expensive version, and vice versa. Typically, the kinds of ingredients a cream includes helps determine the price of the cream, and your skin type and problems will determine which ingredients you need. Once you’ve narrowed your options, be sure to pay attention to factors like customer reviews and ease of use before making a final selection.

A microdermabrasion cream is designed to help with skin resurfacing, and that process can sometimes irritate skin. This is especially true for people who already have naturally dry skin. On the other hand, people with oily-to-normal skin types might not experience as much drying or irritation and might be able to use more potent dermabrasion products. If you’re not sure about your skin type, talk with a dermatologist. Your dermatologist can also give you information about the kinds of microdermabrasion and other products that are best for your skin type.

You should also choose a microdermabrasion cream based on the kinds of skin problems you want to improve. For example, you might want microdermabrasion for wrinkles, stretch marks, or acne scars. It’s best to make this decision before you start comparing products, so you can narrow your options based on the results you want.

The ingredients included in a microdermabrasion cream vary depending on the product. Some of the most common ingredients include sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium oxide, and aluminum oxide. Typically, a cream will include the ingredient that will produce the best results for the specific purpose of the cream. For example, aluminum oxide is known for its antibacterial properties and so it’s often used in microdermabrasion creams for acne scars. Before purchasing any microdermabrasion cream, consider doing some light research to make sure the ingredients in the cream are meant for the results the cream is supposed to produce.

Price might play a role in choosing the best microdermabrasion cream, but this doesn’t mean more expensive creams are better than cheaper ones. More accurately, it means more expensive creams generally use more expensive ingredients. You may or may not need those ingredients, depending on the skin problem you want to correct. For example, some dermabrasion systems use hard bits of crystals, diamonds, or pearls for maximum skin resurfacing. If your skin problem doesn’t require such extreme results, you might be able to use a cream made of less expensive ingredients.

Once you know your skin type, the kinds of skin problems you want to correct, and the overall kinds of ingredients that work best for those skin problems, you can begin narrowing your options. At this point, the final microdermabrasion cream you choose will probably depend on a mix of factors like availability, price, and customer reviews. You might also be interested in which cream provides the best vitamins or other natural ingredients. Be sure to choose a cream with instructions you can follow without trouble. Also take note of any additional products you might need that aren’t included in the dermabrasion kit, such as a specific kind daily moisturizer.