How Do I Choose the Best Military Blazer?

Choosing the best military blazer will involve several key factors, including cost, material, and personal style. Military-styled blazers and jackets come in a wide range of prices and designs, ranging from tame, neutral pieces with military-inspired details to more trendy statement pieces. You should evaluate your personal budget before you shop and consider how you want your military blazer to function in the context of your wardrobe.

Cost can be an important consideration in the decision process, and there are many different price points available to shoppers. It’s generally a good idea to consider price per wear, or the cost of the blazer divided by the number of times you intend to wear it. Investing more in a standard blazer that works well with many different outfits is often a better idea than splurging on a statement piece if you don’t intend to wear it frequently. Fashion experts suggest matching blazers to different outfits to evaluate their versatility, and also look for sales, promotions, or other opportunities to save on costs.

The material of the military blazer can range in weight, pattern, and color. The seasons in which you’re most likely to be wearing blazers is a top consideration and an appropriately weighted fabric should be chosen, keeping in mind that you might want to layer it with other pieces. Neutral colors will match with more outfits, but they will also make less of a fashion statement. A patterned blazer can add interest to a neutral color palate and help an outfit keep up with current trends.

Choosing a military blazer that meshes well with your personal style is also important. When looking for blazers, be sure to note their level of structure, general shape, and length. Understanding your own body shape will help you determine which styles are most flattering for your figure, and trying on different blazers will help you find which styles are the most comfortable.

Military blazers have the potential to make a bold fashion statement. Since trends can come and go quickly, it’s sometimes best to look for blazers that have either a hint of the trend or the most current and updated look. Those with subtle military-inspired designs will likely remain fashionable after the trend has passed, and they might be a good idea if you intend to keep your blazer for a long time. If you’re looking to make a bolder statement, doing a little research on the most recent aspect of fashion trends can be helpful in finding the most fashion-forward piece for your budget.