How Do I Choose the Best Origami Gifts?

The most important step in choosing the best origami gifts is to consider how the recipient is going to use them. Know if the recipient only has an appreciation for origami or will actually use the gift. If it’s something he or she will use as opposed to just display, decide whether a novice, intermediate or expert gift is most appropriate. The receiver’s occupation may also play a factor in the final decision. Although traditional origami is the art of folding paper, fashionistas may appreciate origami fashions.

Consider whether the recipient is going to use the gift or just display it. Those who are going to display the origami gifts rather than use them may appreciate receiving folded origami that has meaning behind each piece. For example, a crane represents long life, the turtle symbolizes protection and a dragon is a symbol of power and success. Anyone who wants to learn how to do origami, or already knows but wants to improve her or his skills, can make use of a generalized or project-specific origami instruction book.

When giving origami gifts to those who will use them, check that the skill level of the item matches up with that of the recipient — beginner, intermediate or expert. One option is to purchase gifts specific to a certain level, which will typically be noted on the front of the packaging. Another option is a gift meant for all levels, such as a book that has hundreds of different instructions to create various origami diagrams.

The recipient’s occupation may also play a role in what type of origami gifts to give. For example, those who work at a desk all day and often doodle on or fold paper may get good use of origami sticky notes, which are blank on one side and have instructions on the other for how to fold the paper into a specific diagram. Anyone who entertains often or has an occupation where it’s essential to plan a perfectly decorated table setting may get use out of a book about how to create centerpieces or place settings out of napkins or paper.

Fashionistas who love origami gifts and prefer to wear trendy and unique clothing may appreciate one of two types of clothing. One option is a shirt that has an origami-themed saying or picture on the front. Another option is an origami dress, also known as a dress that appears as though it was folded into various diagrams.