How do I Choose the Best over-The-Counter Rosacea Treatment?

People who suffer from rosacea can find relief from the symptoms with several types of over-the-counter treatments, such as sunscreens, natural remedies, and sulfur based products. The common acne treatment, benzoyl peroxide, is also used as an over-the-counter rosacea treatment. This skin condition has no known cause and cannot be cured, but the characteristic symptoms of visible blood vessels, red skin, and swelling can often be controlled, reducing embarrassment and discomfort for the patient. Rosacea is usually seen on the face, neck, and scalp as well on the chest and back. There are several types of rosacea, and each one is treated differently. Mild and moderate rosacea, however, are often treated successfully with OTC treatments.

The most frequently used over-the-counter rosacea treatment is sunscreen, usually in a formula with a 15 SPF or higher. Sun exposure is considered to be high on the list of triggers of a rosacea outbreak, and using sunscreen can significantly limit the negative effects of sunlight. Rosacea patients are advised to carefully choose a sunscreen cream or lotion that is made for people with sensitive skin. Those products containing ingredients such as octyl salicylate can cause skin irritation.

Other types of OTC rosacea treatment options can be found in the kitchen. Cucumbers and chamomile are often used to control the symptoms of this skin condition. Some of the most basic and effective rosacea skin treatments are products containing either one of these natural ingredients. Patients can apply pureed cucumber to the affected areas and rinse off five to ten minutes later or apply damp chamomile tea bags for soothing relief.

Sulfur-based over-the-counter rosacea treatments are very popular as well. This ingredient can be found in lotions and face cleansing bars. It is not unusual for patients to be advised to use both in combination for the most effective treatment of their rosacea symptoms. Sulfur is believed to be effective, as it contains antibacterial properties and is useful in removing dead skin cells and eliminating clogged skin pores.

Benzoyl peroxide is often used as an over-the-counter rosacea treatment as well as for acne and other skin blemishes. It is most commonly found in creams or ointments and greatly reduces the redness and swelling associated with rosacea and acne. Dermatologists warn that benzoyl peroxide can be drying and may actually increase dry skin problems for some rosacea patients. Patients should discontinue use and consult their physicians if this common side effect occurs. In most cases, sulfur products are advised for those who cannot tolerate benzoyl peroxide.