How Do I Choose the Best Powder Concealer?

In general, concealer is manufactured most often in a liquid or cream formula, but for people with especially oily or acne-prone skin, powder concealer can be a better choice. When choosing the best powder concealer, it is best to consider whether or not you want one that actually contains acne-fighting ingredients, as these are available now. Other powder concealers might also contain sunscreen, which can be beneficial to the skin as well. Of course, another important factor is your skin tone; experts generally recommend picking concealer that is a bit lighter than your skin tone, especially if you will be blending it with foundation.

Powder concealer is not designed to be applied over the entire face; it is much too dense of a product for this purpose, and will look like it is caked on. Instead, it is used to hide particular problem areas, such as blemishes or dark circles. Powder concealer generally works best when it is applied right after a daily moisturizer, because it is easier to blend into the skin that way. Some concealers contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, so when they are applied to a blemish, they don’t just camouflage it, but actually work throughout the day to heal it.

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, choosing a powder concealer with sunscreen might be a good bet as well. Most of them have an SPF between 5 and 15, and just add a little bit of extra protection. It is generally a good idea to use a daily moisturizer that contains sunscreen as well, and not simply rely on makeup to provide the protection. Many different types of foundation also include sunscreen as well.

Choosing a powder concealer that matches your skin tone is important as well; generally, going a little bit lighter than your skin tone will help to conceal problem areas, blend in with your foundation, and brighten your face if it is used under the eyes. Certain types of concealer may have undertones designed for specific problems. For example, a concealer with a greenish undertone can be a good way to disguise redness, such as from acne or rosacea, whereas a concealer with yellowish undertones may be better at disguising darker, bluish areas on the face, such as dark circles under the eyes or bruises. Choose a concealer that is easy to apply with a makeup brush or sponge, and one that blends well into the skin without clogging the pores.