How do I Choose the Best Scrapbooking Stickers?

Compiling a scrapbook of memories can be fun for young and old alike. There are so many options for embellishing your scrapbook, and this makes it easy to choose the best scrapbooking stickers to decorate it with. In finding the perfect collection of stickers to adorn your album, you should match the events that are depicted with a corresponding theme. This is easy to do if you follow a basic motif for each category. For example, if your scrapbook album is dedicated to your dog, choose stickers of a dog bone or puppy to set the scene.

Fortunately, scrapbooking stickers come in many concepts for just about every detailed occasion. In creative scrapbooking, most likely you will dedicate one section to a particular event, like a wedding. You could select a wedding style of scrapbooking stickers to flow with the general theme. Stickers that depict a wedding scene, perhaps with a drawing of a bride and groom, would be a good choice for that particular page.

If another section of your pre-made scrapbook pages is dedicated to a new baby, finding appropriate stickers relating to infants would dress up your pages very nicely. A good idea for this particular section might be scrapbooking stickers with pictures of baby booties or a rattle. Some scrapbooking stickers let you place premade letters to spell out words. You might like to spell out your baby’s name on one of the pages. You’ll find that these types of stickers are available at any craft store that sells scrapbook supplies.

If any of your scrapbook pages feature a scene depicting an accomplishment of some sort, there are special scrapbooking stickers for that occasion as well. Some of these stickers might feature a firecracker design or shooting stars. You might find these stickers to be very decorative while complementing your photos nicely. Other stickers you could use might simply say, “Way to go!” or something similar.

Something unique you might want to try is ordering personalized photo stickers. These scrapbooking stickers have your own personalized photo imprinted on them. You can personalize them for any particular occasion. Whether it is a photo of yourself, your child or your pet, it can be a creative way to decorate your scrapbook.

Keep in mind is that scrapbooking stickers can come in metallic, foam or even fabric styles. You can mix and match them to coordinate with your scrapbook pages. If these ideas aren’t enough, one more thing you can try is printing your own stickers online. This might be a fun project to try if you have a printer available.