How do I Choose the Best Shiatsu School?

Consider your professional goals, the status of massage and bodywork licensing in your area, as well as the school’s accreditation and reputation when choosing a shiatsu school. If you want to go to shiatsu school to become a professional shiatsu practitioner, make sure that the school’s education is recognized credentialing and licensing agencies that are relevant to your ability to legally practice your trade. Even if you are already licensed to provide bodywork services and are attending shiatsu school to improve your skills, you should research whether the school has a good reputation and can train you to become a shiatsu massage therapist safely and accurately.

Shiatsu is an Asian bodywork technique in which a practitioner uses his fingers, thumbs, and palms to apply pressure to various points on the body. These points are said to correspond to various aspects of a person’s central nervous system, and shiatsu proponents claim that they can treat a variety of ailments. Despite the fact that no definitive studies have been conducted to prove the efficacy of shiatsu, it remains a popular alternative medicine modality. In Japan, shiatsu practitioners must complete a rigorous training program at an approved shiatsu school and be licensed the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Shiatsu licensing varies greatly between countries, and its practice in the United States may be governed state massage therapy laws.

The appropriate local school licensing board in your area should approve the shiatsu school of your choice to operate. If you want to practice shiatsu or massage therapy, make sure the school is approved the regulatory board that will issue you your license. Check to see if the school is accredited a reputable shiatsu professional association or certification board. You might want to ask shiatsu practitioners what school they went to or what they think of the shiatsu school you’re interested in.

If you already have a license as a bodywork professional, check to see if a shiatsu school offers accelerated programs for those who want to practice shiatsu but already have bodywork experience. You can also inquire about continuing education opportunities. Another option is to inquire about shiatsu training at other bodywork schools in your area. This method may allow you to receive training in modalities other than shiatsu.