How do I Choose the Best Tart Cherry Juice?

Often used as an alternative medicine treatment, tart cherry juice comes in a fresh juiced form or a concentrate, and it can even be found in a capsule form. Choosing the best juice largely depends on what you plant to use it for, and so the form it comes in will be key. Though in different forms, the concentrate and the capsules are still commonly referred to as juice.

Tart cherry juice is available as a traditional juice, although the medicinal value is said to be less than the concentrated form. This juice is offered as a beverage just like other juice drinks. It comes in one of two varieties, either with sugar or other sweeteners or without.

The concentrated juice can be used for a variety of purposes, and water can be added to make it into a drinkable juice. The concentrate can be used as a healthy topping for ice cream and other desserts. It can also be added to many recipes, such as those for pancakes or pound cake, as a flavoring element. This concentrate can also be added to marinades, as well as to oil and other flavorings to make salad dressing. For these types of uses and those similar to them, choosing a concentrated form of tart cherry juice is the best choice.

Capsules, while not as common a form as the juice or the concentrate, are largely purchased for their high antioxidant power. This form is often used in holistic and alternative medicine treatments. It also offers an added convenience, as it does not have to be stored in a cool or refrigerated environment.

The juice is consumed for variety of purposes. It may help relieve the pain of arthritis and gout, and aid in fighting cancer and heart disease in those who consume it regularly. The juice is offered by a variety of manufacturers, but the greatest difference between them are those that offer an entirely organic juice and those that do not. Whether or not you want an organic product is also an important decision.