How do I Choose the Best Termite Companies?

Choosing among the best termite companies involves contacting each one, doing research on prices and practices, and making sure there is no serious negative feedback. Termite service is often a very expensive and very involved process. The alternative, however, is often much worse. Therefore, making sure as much work is done before signing a contract is high recommended.

All termite companies being considered should have some basic things. They all need to be licensed through the state, have liability insurance, and be able to offer references. All of these things should be provided upon request, and they certainly should be requested. All termite companies who cannot provide these things should be excluded immediately. In most cases, the license number will be printed right on the vehicle. If it’s not immediately visible, or on any literature the company provides, ask about it, or contact your state’s department of agriculture, or whatever department handles such licensing in your state.

Due to the expense involved in termite service, there must be some research done on costs. If licensing and insurance are not issues, then cost may be the next greatest factor to consider. It is best to get quotes from a few of the better termite companies, after making sure the conditions listed above are met. Further, ask if there are any guarantees offered. If not, it may also be a good idea to ask in regard to the expense of follow-up service.

Once costs are considered, verify how the termite companies will combat the problem. Termite companies may choose different methods and insecticides. Ask about each option, and why the company prefers to use one over the other. Talk about where the poisons will be placed, and how dangerous each one may be to the rest of the household. These issues could be especially important if young children or pets are in the home. While it may not be possible to completely avoid all risks, knowing the dangers going into the treatment should provide at least some peace of mind. The best termite companies will walk through the options, and leave you with written literature on the options of interest.

The other thing to look at is any complaints that others may have made against the company. Of course, the references the company offers are likely to be very favorable. Therefore, a little more digging should be done. Sometimes, there may be information about a company online, particularly on discussions forums. In other cases, contacting the Better Business Bureau in your local area may be an option, if one exists. This agency can tell you if there have been any formal complaints filed, if they were resolved, and how they were settled.