Musicians looking for the best viola books should examine the specific content of each offering and consider how they can best use the information on instrument theory, music history, and other topics to their advantage. Beginners can master the viola or other stringed instruments in the violin family using good music learning resources. Many of the best books for learning the viola can be identified a few basic characteristics.
The best viola books frequently include a detailed introduction to the instrument. This includes demonstrating the viola’s unique tuning, as well as how the fretboard is laid out and any other relevant information about the instrument’s internal design. Many of the best books will include an introduction to bowing, or the use of a bow to play the viola’s strings, because this technique will affect the sound that the beginner produces.
A history of the viola is frequently included in the best viola books. Customers should decide whether they want just a practice book or a more comprehensive resource that includes the viola’s history and background. Another important aspect of some of the best viola books is how to compare and contrast the viola to the violin and other similar instruments.
Customers can look at the actual practice content in the book to see which books on the viola are likely to serve the beginning musician best. Many of the best editions will include details on chord structures and sequences. The octave scale is a common resource in viola books, in which the musician plays all eight tones in an octave, both up and down, to see how these basic sequences are placed on the viola. Simple songs and compositions may also be included in books, with the difficulty of these activities increasing over time.
Beginning musicians can look for references that include more than one format in addition to all of the practice content found in viola books. Some books will have more detailed illustrations of the fretboard, strings, and bow. Books with helpful, engaging formats are more effective at assisting a beginner in learning this instrument. This could include oversized letters and numbers for specific fingering directions, as well as cutaway pictures of the instrument showing how it’s made. To choose the best resources for progressive mastery of this complex instrument, look for visuals and other extras in viola books.