How do I Crochet an Ornament?

Crocheting is a popular pastime that has been around in its current form since the early 19th century. Due to a recent surge in popularity, in part from media attention and recent fashion runway displays, many individuals are picking up a hook and learning how to crochet. One of the easiest ways to learn is to make a crochet ornament.

Crocheting is the act of using a hook-shaped implement to manipulate string, yarn or thread into various knot formations. There are a variety of crochet patterns available on the Internet and through various print media that use only basic stitches to create unique, heirloom-quality, handmade Christmas ornaments, as well as ornaments for other holidays. They can be executed in different yarns, from very thick bulky yarn snowmen all the way down to intricate, delicate thread crochet snowflakes. The resulting crochet ornament design often depends upon the thickness of the yarn or thread used, as well as the hook.

Generally, in crochet, the finer the yarn, the smaller the hook is in diameter. This is true for most patterns, but is not a hard and fast rule. Christmas ornaments do not have to conform to a certain gauge, or standard number of stitches per inch, so the type of thread and crochet hook used are not of as much importance as if one were making a wearable garment, for example, which is just one reason why crochet ornaments are a perfect choice for a beginner project.

Another reason many people are fond of tackling a project like a crochet ornament is that they take very little time to make, and very little in terms of materials, and very little investment in learning new skills once the initial learning curve of the craft of crochet is mastered. No matter what the reason, a crochet ornament is bound to be a popular item, and there are plenty of resources available to get an individual started with the basics of the art, as well as many patterns available to craft the ornaments from. A visit to a local yarn specialty store is recommended to receive further specialized help and guidance for specific projects.