How Do I Eat Passion Fruit?

There are two main varieties of passion fruit, one with skin that is purple in color and another that is yellow. Both fruit have a similar sweet, yet tangy taste and are a source of both vitamin A and C. It can be eaten raw or it can be can be added to other foods. People who prefer to eat passion fruit with other foods can add it while it’s raw, or they may prefer to eat it after it has been cooked in with other ingredients.

Regardless of how you choose to consume passion fruit, selecting a ripe one is crucial when it comes to the quality of its flavor. Whether the skin is yellow or purple, it should have a shriveled appearance and feel heavy. The heaviness of the fruit is a good indication of how juicy it will be when eaten. Once the right fruit is selected, the skin is cleaned with warm water and then cut in half.

The orange inside of the fruit will have a juicy, almost gelatinous appearance. For people who like to eat passion fruit directly from the shell, all that’s needed is a spoon. All of the gelatin-like pulp can be scooped out and eaten, even the seeds, which are a source of fiber. Some people, however, find that the seeds are bitter and may choose to eat them without chewing or remove them entirely. Passion fruit may also be eaten with a small amount of white or brown sugar sprinkled on top.

To eat passion fruit outside of the shell, the raw pulp can be mixed with a variety of foods. It can be spooned over yogurt and ice cream for an additional burst of flavor. Another popular way to eat this fruit is to turn it into a mousse dessert. The pulp can also be scooped out and combined with other fruit, such as kiwi, pineapple and bananas to create a fruit salad. Pureed passion fruit can also be combined with other ingredients, such as olive oil and vinegar, to be eaten with green salad as a dressing.

Another way to eat passion fruit is to include it as an ingredient in certain cooked foods. With baked goods, it can be added as a key ingredient for passion fruit cakes, scones, muffins or tarts. The pulp may also be boiled and made into a sauce that can be eaten over foods such as fish or chicken. It may also be made into a fruit preserve, such as jam or jelly to be eaten over toast.