How do I get a Heavy Equipment Operator Certification?

To obtain heavy equipment operator certification, you must attend an accredited institution that provides training in the type, or general family, of equipment you intend to operate. Operator certification is as diverse as heavy equipment, so knowing what you want to work with is crucial. Some students, on the other hand, pursue heavy equipment operator certification in order to expand the types of equipment they are qualified to operate. For example, someone who is certified to operate cranes may decide to return to school to become certified to operate backhoes, excavators, bulldozers, and other heavy equipment.

Some schools that provide heavy equipment operator certification also provide certification in large scale vehicle operation. People who want to become truck drivers for long or short haul routes can enroll in a school that provides this training and take courses that will enable them to obtain Class-A commercial driver licenses, also known as CDLs. This type of certification allows people to drive trucks as well as operate cranes. People with Class-A CDLs may be required to operate mobile cranes or transport equipment to job sites.

When deciding between schools for operator certification, you should take a number of factors into account. First and foremost, ensure that the school is fully accredited and that the school’s certification will be accepted industry employers. People who work in construction, demolition, transportation, or other fields that occasionally require the use of heavy equipment should talk to their bosses about which schools they recommend.

The next step is to locate a school within a reasonable commuting distance of your home. There are some areas where heavy equipment operator certification training is not as readily available, despite the fact that there are often a number of programs available regionally. It may be necessary for residents of these areas to temporarily relocate in order to complete a certification program.