How do I get Billing and Coding Certification?

The demand for billing and coding professionals in the healthcare industry is increasing. Many colleges and technical training schools offer billing and coding certifications through online classes or in a classroom setting, and training usually takes a year or less. After you’ve completed the required course work, you’ll need to take a test before you can become certified. Obtaining certification as a medical coder usually opens the door to higher-paying health-care positions. Because billing and coding certification exams are frequently different, it’s crucial to know which one you need.

Many of the institutions that offer billing and coding certification also help students find suitable healthcare jobs after they complete the courses. Working as a medical coder does not always require certification in billing and coding; however, hospitals and other health care facilities prefer certified employees. Billing codes must be accurate in many cases, or claim payments will be delayed or denied. The complex rules and regulations governing government and private insurance filing procedures are covered in certification courses.

Many employers will require new employees to complete billing and coding certification within a certain time frame if they are not already certified. Within the first six months of employment, this is usually required. Some healthcare facilities have become certified testing sites, which can provide course work and examinations for billing and coding certification. This is a convenience and benefit to employees.

In the United States, depending on the organization through which certification is obtained, there are several levels of coding certification. Certified Professional Coder (CPC®), Certified Professional Coder – Outpatient Hospital (CPC-H®), Certified Professional Coder – Payer (CPC-P®), and Certified Interventional Radiology Cardiovascular Coder (CIRCC®) are among the credentials offered the American Academy of Professional Coders, as well as specialized certifications. Certified Coding Associate (CCA), Certified Coding Specialist (CCS), and Certified Coding Specialist-Physician-based (CCS-P) are among the certifications offered the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Medical billing specialists can be certified the American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) and the American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM).

Medical coders frequently need to obtain continued education units (CEUs), which are usually offered the same institution that provided the initial billing and coding certification. Seminars are another way to earn CEUs. Certification is usually only valid for a set period of time and must be renewed or updated through continuing education.

The industry standard in the United States is five CEU credits per year. As long as the certification time period has not expired, CEUs are frequently sufficient for certification renewal. It may be necessary to retest to receive a current coding certification if the certification has expired.