How do I get Dental X-Ray Certification?

Depending on where you live or plan to work, the process for obtaining dental x-ray certification may differ. In most cases, however, you must first obtain certification as a dental technician, dental hygienist, or dental assistant before you can perform dental x-rays. Examine the dental x-ray certification programs and training courses available in your area, as well as the applicable laws. Before specializing in dental radiography, you could become certified as a general x-ray technician.

You must first be trained as a dental assistant, a dental technician, or a dental hygienist, either on the job or through a formal training program. While program lengths vary, most programs take at least a year to complete. However, your local government authority will require you to become legally certified to administer x-rays after you complete your training. While many people enter the field of dental assisting through on-the-job training, most governments require that individuals first complete a dental x-ray certification program at an accredited school or program.

Additional radiology courses may be required in addition to a core training program before you can sit for certification exams. This requirement varies depending on where you intend to work, so check with your local government to see if it applies to you. Be aware that even after obtaining dental x-ray certification, you may need to take additional courses on occasion, as some jurisdictions require continuing education hours to renew certifications on a regular basis.

Dental x-ray certification can also be obtained first becoming a radiologic technologist and then specializing in dental x-rays. This approach will not only prepare you for a career in dentistry, but it will also open up doors for you to work in other health-care settings. However, in order to do so, you must first complete specialized and accredited training, which could take a year or two. Licensing exams and procedures will vary depending on where you live and plan to work after you complete your training. However, in many cases, training will prepare you to take the necessary exams and enter the field with full certification shortly afterward.

In order to be successful in training and testing, as well as obtaining employment, it is necessary to strengthen a few other skills in addition to enrolling in the appropriate courses. Working as a dental x-ray technician, for example, necessitates a high level of attention to detail as well as the ability to follow instructions. Good manual dexterity, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with patients during x-ray procedures, are also beneficial. It is critical that you honestly assess whether or not you possess these strengths before investing the time and money required for dental x-ray certification training.