How do I get Free Store Coupons?

Free store coupons are one of the ways that people seek to save money on groceries and other types of goods. The free store coupon usually offers a fixed amount off the purchase price of one or more units of the same product. Many people regularly use the coupons to help keep within the household budget while still enjoying goods that otherwise would be too expensive. If you wonder where to find free store coupons that can help you stretch your budget, here are some tips for locating store coupons that are right for you.

Newspapers are an excellent source of free store coupons. While the Sunday edition is probably the best source, it is not unusual for retail store coupons to also be found in weekday editions as well. By clipping the coupons out of the newspaper, it is possible to utilize them to save a significant amount of money on purchases each week. In order to avoid incurring even the cost of a newspaper, ask a neighbor or relative to save the papers for you so you can clip the coupons you need and donate the remainder of the newspaper to a recycling project.

Direct mail companies often send consumers packets of free store coupons on a regular basis. Getting on the mailing list for this type of mailing is not difficult. By filling out a simple questionnaire prepared by the direct mailer, you indicate your willingness to receive discount coupons related to certain products. You can anticipate receiving a packet of coupons every four to six weeks.

Another great way to get the free store coupons you need is to get involved with a local coupon clipping club. These clubs allow bargain hunters to get together and exchange coupons they don’t need for coupons they do need. Essentially functioning as a coupon swap meet, you not only can come across coupons that will save you a lot of money, you also get the chance to meet some new people.

You may be throwing away free store coupons without knowing it. In recent years, many supermarket chains have begun to print discount coupons on the back of the cash register receipts provided to shoppers when they make purchases. Because of the technology involved with modern scanners and registers, it is possible to match an available coupon with some product that was purchased. The next time you shop at the supermarket, remember to take along those grocery store coupons and use them to save money off one or more items.

There are online sources of free store coupons as well. Many manufacturers provide access to printable coupons associated with their product lines. Visiting the company web sites will make it possible to locate and print those online coupons for use at local stores. In addition, there are membership-based coupon sites that allow members to download and print an unlimited number of coupons for a small monthly fee. However, there are also some sites that provide access to coupons with no membership fee involved. Doing some searching on the Internet will allow you to identify several of the free sites and hopefully come across free store coupons that you can use.