How do I get Rid of a Postpartum Belly?

Getting rid of a postpartum belly can be a challenge. There are, however, quite a few things you can do to shed unwanted fat in this area. For example, you may breastfeed for this purpose or reduce your calorie intake. You may also exercise to burn unwanted fat. Depending on your preferences, you can work toward a flatter belly at home or take an exercise class that is designed just for moms like you.

Your method of feeding your baby may influence how quickly you get rid of your postpartum belly. When you breastfeed, your body must produce enough milk to nurture another life. This results in the burning of extra calories and the shedding of your postpartum belly. Additionally, your body may produce more of the hormones that help to shrink the uterus when you are breastfeeding.

Dieting may also help you to lose your postpartum belly, but many experts recommend caution when reducing calorie intake at this time. If you are breastfeeding and eat too little, your milk supply may be adversely affected, and you may feel overly tired and weak. Even if you are not breastfeeding, you may experience fatigue and weakness if you don’t have an adequate caloric intake during the postpartum period. To get rid of your postpartum belly, you may ask your doctor how many calories you can safely subtract from your diet, and then follow his recommendation.

Once you have your doctor’s approval, you may begin exercising to get rid of your postpartum belly. You may find that doing dance aerobics, walking on a treadmill, or using an exercise bike helps you to get rid of your postpartum belly. You may even discover that walking while your baby rides in his stroller may help you to get exercise and burn excess fat. You may also perform a range of exercise to strengthen and tone your abdomen. For example, crunches and pelvic tilts may help you to work your way back to a flatter stomach.

Though you can work to lose your postpartum belly at home and all on your own, some mothers prefer to burn postpartum fat while enjoying the company of other new moms. In such a case, you may enroll in a postpartum exercise class that guides you in banishing post-baby belly fat while providing the opportunity to get to know other moms. Such classes may be offered at gyms, recreation centers, community centers, and even some churches. You may even find information about postpartum exercise classes from a doctor, midwife, or nurse that helped to deliver your baby.