How do I Handle Pregnancy After Miscarriage?

Pregnancy after miscarriage is usually not unlike pregnancies that occur before an unfortunate spontaneous abortion. In fact, a high percentage of women who experience a single miscarriage go on to achieve successful pregnancies without complications after conceiving a second time. Even women who have had two miscarriages in a row can achieve a successful pregnancy on the next try.

It is important to rule out any medical problems or risky behavior as the cause of the miscarriage, but if the event was not related to a clear cause, then the chances of it happening again are slim. As such, there are almost never any special considerations for pregnancy after miscarriage.
The most important steps for handling pregnancy after having a miscarriage usually actually occur before conception. A doctor can identify what factors, if any, were in play that could have caused the miscarriage. Resolving these issues if possible should happen before attempting to conceive again.

If someone is making plans to conceive after a miscarriage, certain precautions should be taken. Pregnancy after miscarriage is not usually dangerous, but it is important to wait several months after the event to allow the body to heal and the mind to recover. Attempting to conceive to soon after losing the fetus can be dangerous for the mother and the next child.

Risky behavior of any sort should be ceased when pregnancy is confirmed. While behaviors such as excessive use of alcohol or caffeine may have had little if anything to do with the miscarriage, it is usually more therapeutic to be sure the second time. Smoking, certainly, should be stopped. A review of possible dangerous behaviors and substances should be undertaken as a way of handling pregnancy after having a miscarriage.
While this pregnancy is statistically likely to be normal, factors such as age and diabetes can decrease the chances of having a normal pregnancy. Illnesses such as chlamydia and rubella can also cause miscarriages. When a factor that is threatening the pregnancy cannot be remedied, it should be monitored by a doctor. There may be extra precautions that can be taken if the danger cannot be avoided.
Handling pregnancy after miscarriage is largely an emotional struggle. Parents may be extremely anxious and fearful about experiencing another one. There are many support groups, books, and therapists available to help cope with fears that arise during pregnancy. Knowing the facts of one’s situation and being well-prepared to deal with a miscarriage should it happen may also provide some relief.