How Do I Install a Shower Stall?

The steps you will need to follow in order to install a shower stall can vary depending on the type of unit you have purchased. First and foremost, it is important to ensure the unit you buy will fit in your bathroom properly, and that it is small enough to be carried through your doorways and up your stairs. This is especially important for molded fiberglass units and cast iron tubs. If you install a shower stall that is broken down by component, you should have little problem transporting the units into your bathroom.

Plan ahead of time to ensure the plumbing is in the proper location. When you install a shower stall, the plumbing should already be in place and it should be tested to ensure it works properly. This will prevent having to tear down the shower after installation to address plumbing issues. Once the plumbing is taken care of, you can begin to install a shower stall by laying down the shower pan. This unit sits flush on the floor and must be glued into place. Once in place, the edges must be caulked to ensure no leaking occurs when the shower is running. Let the caulk and glue set per the instructions on these products.

Installing the wall panels will come next, but before you glue and screw these pieces in place, you will need to take careful measurements to determine where openings must be drilled for faucets and other hardware. It is usually necessary to buy a special drill bit in order to drill the properly sized holes, so figure out how large of a hole you will need to drill in order to accommodate various hardware. Drill the holes with the panels squarely on the ground or on a work bench to prevent cracking and to ensure a well drilled opening.

The next step you will need to take in order to install a shower stall, after the panels have been put in place, is installing the door plates. These plates are guides for whatever glass doors you have purchased for your unit. If you are not installing doors, the curtain rods may be installed at this time. When installing doors, be sure to install the waterproof piping that will help prevent leaks in the door’s seams. This is usually a plastic insert that can be slid into place easily on all edges of the door and door plates.