How Do I Make a Curly Bun?

A curly bun is a loosely anchored type of bun hairstyle, in which wisps of hair are left out of the bun and curled. This type of hair bun is generally considered both sophisticated and casual at the same time, and it can be worn on all sorts of occasions. The curly bun is generally a great look for curly hair, but it can also be an easy curly hairstyle for those with straight hair, since it requires curling only a small portion of the hair. Making a curly bun is generally similar to making any other type of bun, except that some loose bits of hair are usually allowed to hang out of the bun. Hairspray, hair bands, hair pins, and a curling iron are generally required for making this kind of bun.

Those wishing to create this bun hairstyle are generally advised to start with dry hair. Hair stylists typically believe wet hair can be too slippery and too difficult to style into a curly bun. Some choose to make this style with freshly washed and blow-dried hair, although it isn’t usually necessary to wash the hair before making the style. If the hair is washed before it’s styled into such a bun, it should generally be blow-dried with a diffuser to enhance its curl and volume.

This style is generally built around a ponytail at the back of the head. The ponytail can be located higher on the head, just behind the crown, or it can be created lower, near the nape of the neck. Some people choose to braid some portion of the hair at the front of the head before bringing it back into the ponytail. The addition of braids can add extra style to the look of the curly bun.

Once the ponytail is made and anchored firmly in place with a hair band, most people choose to apply hair spray to it. This can help the finished bun maintain a smooth appearance. Most people will then loosely twist the ponytail down to its end. Loose strands of hair are normally pulled out and allowed to dangle at the sides of the ponytail during the twisting process. The twisted ponytail is then usually rolled up and pinned into place at the back of the head.

The loose strands of hair can then be curled with a curling iron to complete the curly bun hairstyle. Ornamental barrettes, hair pins, and hair sticks can be added to the curly bun if desired. A final coat of hair spray can help to anchor the style in place.