How Do I Make a Newspaper?

How to make a newspaper depends on the type of newspaper being made. A printed paper, for example, will require some method of physically printing the newspaper, while an online newspaper can be entirely digital. In order to make a traditional newspaper printed on large newsprint, special printing equipment is required. Choosing the type of newspaper you will make is always the first step, but writing text, creating layouts, and adding images can all be part of this type of project as well. Each step is important when trying to make a newspaper, and many people choose to either limit the scale of the paper or work in groups in order to divvy up the labor.

Although it might seem like the best way to make a newspaper is to start writing, having a plan and a general idea is actually a better starting point. Different newspapers focus on different subjects, and having a concise plan to reach a particular market can help provide a newspaper with focus. Once the general idea has been discussed, writing a mission statement is often a valuable tool. If the newspaper is more of a newsletter or craft project and is not being set up as a business, this step can often be ignored.

In order to make a newspaper layout, you first need to know the format the finished newspaper will take. The layout for printer paper, for example, will be very different than the layout for large newsprint. Likewise, if any folding or stapling of the paper will be involved, the page order will have to be printed in a particular way. The physical constraints of the paper and printing style used limit the layout, as do all digital formats.

The content of a newspaper is often the most entertaining aspect to design. Articles, pictures, and news can all go in a newspaper. It is up to the editor to decide how these items will be arranged, but most people find that having an index of some sort improves readability in longer newspapers. When trying to make a newspaper online, you still must often edit content for length even though space is essentially unlimited. Unnecessarily long content is difficult to make compelling and may reduce the popularity of a newspaper.

Making newspapers for families is also a great project for kids. Designing newspapers this way may involve only drawing materials and paper, because only a single copy needs to be made and readability is not an issue. The paper can be copied and distributed among the family or given to friends. This is also an excellent way to make a classroom newspaper, and all the students can contribute to the finished piece.