How Do I Make a Pinata?

A pinata is a container that is decorated or otherwise painted to create a festive decoration for a celebration or event. The pinata is broken at some point, and treats will then drop from the container for kids or other celebrants to collect. It is not especially difficult to make a pinata, but it will take some preparation and forethought. Before you begin to make a pinata, you should decide what shape you want the finished product to be. It often helps to inflate a balloon to act as the mold for the form.

Collect all the items you will need to make a pinata. Scissors will be necessary, as will newspaper or other types of paper that can be cut into strips. Glue, cornstarch, or wallpaper glue can be used to secure the pieces of paper in place, and a tray will work well for dipping the paper into the tacky substance. Don’t forget to buy plenty of candy to stuff the pinata before it is sealed. Construction paper, ribbons, tissue paper, paints, and markers are all useful for decorating the finished shape. Fabrics can be used as well, though this will usually add unnecessary cost to the project.

Inflate the balloon before you begin to make a pinata. This will act as a solid structure around which the body of the pinata can be molded. The strips of paper should be dipped into the glue or cornstarch, then wrapped around the balloon in a criss-crossing pattern. This gives the pinata some structural integrity, and it will make placing the paper much easier than doing it without the balloon. Once the initial structure has been constructed around the balloon, let the glue or starch dry completely. The balloon can then be deflated and removed.

Other appendages or extensions can be added in a similar manner when you make a pinata. Whenever two parts are connected, the joint should be reinforced with extra paper and glue. Before the last pieces are put in place, fill the pinata with candy or other treats, then seal up the last opening. You can decorate the pinata in any way you want. Paints will cover up the newsprint if you used newspaper, and markers or other paints can be used to further decorate the structure. Ribbons and tissue paper can be glued to the structure for additional decoration.