How do I Make a Retirement Scrapbook?

Making a retirement scrapbook with photographs, stories and other memories can be a much welcomed gift. They are often given to the retiring person at his or her retirement party. The first step in creating a retirement scrapbook is gathering the photos and stories you’ll need. It’s best to allow plenty of time, as you’ll likely need to contact the retiring person’s co-workers and supervisors for information and materials. Once you have at least ten good pieces, you can create a basic plan for the scrapbook and get started.

Keep in mind that the purpose of the book should be to provide the recipient with an interesting record of his or her work life to look back on as well as to show family and friends. Specific dates, names and places should be labeled attractively as you make the retirement scrapbook. The tone should be lighthearted and the book full of fond memories. To help you think of ideas for the scrapbook pages, lay out the materials such as photos, co-worker’s stories and letters from supervisors or managers.

Including photographs of the workplace as well as the people who comment in the book is a great idea. In order to get interesting comments and memories from the people the retiring person worked with, you may want to give them short questionnaires to fill out. Asking each co-worker, supervisor or manager the same question can also help you have themes for the different pages as you make the retirement scrapbook.

For example, one of your questions could ask about the person’s best memories of working with the retiree. Another one may focus on what the greatest thing he or she learned from the retiring person. Some of the answers may be humorous, while others may be more serious. As you make the retirement scrapbook, varying the mood of the comments and photos can make the book interesting to read.

You should definitely try to have a photograph of each person making the comment. Label it with his or her name and work title. You may want to have a retirement scrapbook design that allows a separate page or more that relates to each co-worker, supervisor or manager. A more interesting way to organize the pages may be by theme though, at least on some of the scrapbook pages, such as “Humor On The Job” or “Customer Appreciation Days.”

If you’re presenting the retiring person with the scrapbook at a retirement party, it’s a good idea to leave pages in the back for guests to sign. Make sure to supply acid-free markers for the guests to use. All of the stickers, papers and other supplies you use to make the retirement scrapbook should be acid-free so the book doesn’t become damaged over time. Using acid-free stickers that relate to the retiring person’s job, such as little oranges for someone who worked at an orange juice factory, can be the perfect touch to add to the photos, awards, memories and stories you display creatively in the retirement scrapbook.