How do I Make an Easy Knit Blanket?

A knit blanket is one of the easiest items to create and makes a great first project for beginning knitters. Knitting a blanket requires two large gauge knitting needles and yarn. A gauge is a method of measuring the circumference of the needles. All the materials required can be purchased from any craft or hobby store and the total cost should be less than $15 US Dollars (USD).

Knitting needles come in a range of gauges, from zero to 50. Select a needle gauge between 20 and 50 for your blanket. Large gauge needles create the large stitches that are ideal for blankets. Visit your local library and look at the different knitting pattern books and magazines. They have great ideas and tips for colors and interesting patterns.

The simplest way to make a knit blanket is to create a series of squares or lengths in alternate colored yarns. Once the squares are finished, sew them together to create a knit blanket. Select a thick yarn made of cotton or polyester and avoid fancy yarns. Purchase all the yarn for your project at once, as there are variations in shade with different manufactures and yarn lots.

Decide on the dimensions of your knit blanket and finalize the pattern before you begin. It is a good idea to draw a scale version of your blanket on graph paper. This will help you count the number of rows of knitting required, and give you a good idea of the final outcome.

To get started, sit down with your ball of yarn on your left side and one knitting needle in each hand. Create the first stitch by tying a hangman’s knot around your left knitting needle. Keep this first stitch fairly loose. Repeat this process for the total number of stitches required for each row.

To start knitting, take your right knitting needle and insert it into the first stitch, behind the needle in your left hand. The tips of your knitting needles should now resemble an open pair of scissors. Take the yarn in your right hand and move it into the space between the tips of the two needles. Pull the yard down and hold it with your right hand. Bring the lower needle over the top of the upper needle and release the stitch from the upper needle onto the lower.

This movement will shift the stitch from the left needle to the right and create a new row of knitting. Repeat this knitting stitch to finish the row. Keep your yarn tension as consistent as possible. Try to keep the stitches loose enough for the blanket to be breathable.