How Do I Make Fake Wounds?

There are a few different ways to make fake wounds that are both simple and effective, and you should pick the one that works best for you. Liquid latex, which you can make look like a wound and add fake blood to improve the effect, is one of the simplest ways to make a fake wound. You can also make realistic fake wounds with bathroom tissue, petroleum jelly, or liquid latex, as well as the addition of fake blood.

To make fake wounds, you only need a few basic supplies, and you should choose a method that is simple for you to execute. Both of these techniques can take some practice to master, so give them a try before you need to make a wound for a performance or costume. Liquid latex can be purchased at costume shops and similar establishments, and fake blood can be purchased or made at home. A scouring pad or similar sponge, as well as a few toothpicks, may be useful.

Applying liquid latex to a cleaned area of skin where you want the wound to appear is one of the simplest ways to make fake wounds. Apply it in such a way that it resembles the basic outline and shape of the wound you want while leaving the middle open. Allow some time for the liquid latex to dry before cleaning up the area around the wound with a scouring pad or sponge. To make the skin look purple and bruised, dab a small amount of fake blood around the outside of the wound.

Once the liquid latex has dried, start picking at the inside of the fake wound with a toothpick or other small instrument. You want it to look ragged and pulled up slightly so that it appears to be a hole in the skin. Additional small amounts of fake blood can also be applied to the wound’s surface. Then, in an uneven manner, pour or otherwise apply fake blood to the inside of the wound to give it the appearance of depth.

Bathroom tissue can also be used to make fake wounds in a similar way, either applying liquid latex or petroleum jelly to the affected area to make it stick to the skin. Rather than using liquid latex directly, you can use the tissue to effectively sculpt the wound on the skin, and apply fake blood in and around the area in a similar manner. Both of these techniques can be enhanced the use of makeup to create even more realistic and unsettling fake wounds.