How Do I Prevent Pus from Shaving?

Preventing pus from shaving can be done by avoiding the use a dirty razor, making sure the face is clean prior to shaving, and not shaving over existing blemishes, as they can become infected. Pus formation is the result of a bacterial infection, which can originate from the introduction of bacteria through breaks in the skin. Using a dull razor can increase the risk of skin damage and small cuts, making the area a prime breeding ground for bacterial growth. In addition, the formation of pus after shaving may occur when dirty hands touch the freshly shaved area, or when cystic acne is disturbed by a razor blade.

When pus from shaving occurs, the health care provider needs to be notified. Folliculitis, an inflammation of a hair follicle can cause pus formation and may worsen when shaving is improperly done or otherwise done under unsanitary conditions. Also, when pus from shaving occurs, the area should never be squeezed in an effort to expel the pus. This can worsen the condition and lead to permanent scarring of the skin and cause the spread of infection. If pus is located near the eye, extra care needs to be taken to avoid compromising the area and exposing the eye to the pus and subsequent infection. This can result in a serious infection and can even endanger vision.

Sharing razors should never be considered because bacteria can be transmitted between users. This can cause a skin infection and result in the formation of pus. Sometimes, when pus from shaving occurs, oral or topical antibiotics may be necessary to treat the infection. Boils or cysts that contain pus can worsen in the presence of shaving and can even cause a systemic infection to occur. Symptoms of a blood or systemic infection can include fever, chills, coughing, and headache, and when these symptoms are noticed, the health care provider should be consulted to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Warm compresses can help reduce pain and inflammation of a skin infection which produces pus. In addition, the warm compresses can draw the pus out to the surface of the skin, hastening healing and reducing redness. Compresses can be applied to the affected area throughout the day, however, a clean soft cloth should be used for every application to avoid recontaminating the area. Sometimes, alternative methods of shaving may be recommended to avoid skin abrasions, such as cream hair removers or using hair remover discs.