How do I Reduce Emissions?

Reducing emissions is crucial in helping to protect the environment. Most carbon dioxide emissions, or greenhouse gases, are created through human activity. These activities include the burning of fossil fuels to run vehicles, provide electricity and create heating. There are many things that each of us can do to reduce emissions that add up and create negative effects in the environment.

Driving a vehicle less often is a good way to start to reduce emissions, since carbon dioxide emitted from vehicle use is a major cause of environmental pollution. Rather than driving to the corner store or other short distance, taking a walk benefits your physical health. Rather than driving to a gym to work out, using a bicycle as a workout tool provides physical exercise and also serves as a way of transportation. Some people even bike to work and this can greatly reduce emissions. Some people may give up driving a vehicle altogether if they move to a downtown area with shops and other amenities within walking distance.

Living as close as possible to your daily workplace helps cut down on how much fossil fuel you burn as well as saves you driving time and gas money. Carpooling is a popular way to cut down on the amount of vehicles used in daily commutes and most areas have carpool lanes to allow for a faster commute as well. Larger companies often have a carpool list posted so employees living near each other can reduce emissions and cut costs by commuting to work in the same vehicle.

In the home, little ways to reduce emissions can add up. Having good insulation and double glazed windows help keep energy in, but even small things such as preventing drafts in doors through proper sealing are useful. Turning down the heat also saves energy in the home. Try wearing an extra sweater and warm socks before automatically turning the heat up.

Energy Star appliances and energy saving light bulbs help save on energy output and save money on bills, too. Turning off any lights not being used in the home is important. When it comes to shopping for the home, instead of buying products that usually require carbon emissions in manufacturing processes, choose reusable products that also cut down the amount of garbage in landfills. For example, instead of going through rolls of paper towels when cleaning, use rags that can last for years by being washed and reused. Buy local produce rather than fruits and vegetables that need long-distance transportation to get to your table — you may even want to grow your own produce for fresh food at your doorstep.