Chefs should slow cook silverside by roasting the meat for two hours, starting at 302 degrees Fahrenheit (150 Celsius) for the first half an hour and then 320 Fahrenheit (160 Celsius) for the last hour and a half. The silverside can be seasoned with salt, pepper, and herbs such as thyme. It is important to braise the meat before roasting to close of the pores and keep the fat locked in. The meat should be covered during cooking to prevent moisture from being lost. Leaving the joint to rest for around 15 minutes before serving allows the juices to seep back into the joint.
Two important tips for slow cook silverside are seasoning the meat before cooking and turning the temperature down part way through cooking. Most chefs rub salt and pepper into the meat along with some oil to increase the flavor of the cooked meat. Turning the temperature down part way through cooking reduces the amount of moisture lost through evaporation and makes for a juicer joint. Some chefs cook the joint at 284 Fahrenheit (140 Celsius) for two hours instead of turning the heat down part way through cooking.
Braising the meat prior to cooking is an important tip when chefs slow cook silverside. This helps to seal the outer layer of the joint and keeps vital juices from escaping. Chefs shallow-fry the meat to brown it on the outside to braise it. This can be done in a frying pan or in the roasting dish over a hob. It is important to turn the meat so that it develops a brown crust around the entire outside of the joint.
The dish should be covered with a lid during cooking to help keep moisture in the meat when it is roasted. Chefs slow cook silverside in a pot or dish covered over with a fitted lid or foil. When the moisture evaporates, it condenses on the lid and turns back into liquid. More liquid in the cooking process makes the meat juicier when it is cooked. Most people do not enjoy eating dry beef, so this is an important step.
Any roasted joint of meat should be left to rest before serving. This gives the fat the opportunity to soak back through the joint. Heat agitates atoms and makes them try to escape as a gas. This means that the fat within the meat makes its way to the outside during cooking. Resting the meat cools it down and gives the molecules chance to settle back down to the center of the silverside joint.