The relationship between language and culture is studied by linguistic anthropologists. To get started in linguistic anthropology, you’ll need to get a good education, learn one or more languages, and apply for jobs. The majority of linguistic anthropologists work in academia or government.
The first step toward a career in linguistic anthropology is to earn a bachelor’s degree. If you don’t already have a bachelor’s degree, you should consider anthropology, linguistics, or a foreign language as a major. This degree is usually completed in four years.
You should start applying to graduate school during the last year of your bachelor’s degree. Some research assistant positions are available to those with only a bachelor’s degree in anthropology, but the majority of positions require a master’s or doctoral degree. Some graduate schools allow students to start their Ph.D. programs right after they finish their bachelor’s degree, but most programs require that they first complete a master’s degree.
There are several steps to completing a graduate degree in linguistic anthropology. In most cases, you’ll begin by studying anthropology and linguistic principles. Depending on the program and your research interests, you will also be required to study foreign languages, either ancient or modern.
The completion of a master’s thesis or a doctoral dissertation is the next step. This is frequently a work of ethnography in linguistic anthropology, which is research and writing on a specific culture. Ethnography frequently necessitates living among a people group for a period of time in order to integrate into their society. In the case of linguistic anthropology, this entails examining their language and noting how it affects sociological relationships.
Once you’ve completed your master’s degree, you’ll be able to start looking for jobs as a linguistic anthropologist. You may be able to apply for tenure-track professor positions at universities if you have a Ph.D. You might be able to work as an adjunct professor with a master’s degree. There are also some government jobs in linguistic anthropology. The US government, for example, may hire linguistic anthropologists as cultural advisers in regions where they have national interests.
Job opportunities in linguistic anthropology can be found in a variety of ways. Professors and researchers or the career center at the university where you worked on your degree may be able to refer you to open positions. Many job openings are also advertised on the internet.