How do I Write an Education Mission Statement?

Be succinct but informative when writing an effective education mission statement. Because a mission is a purpose or goal, it’s critical to describe what your school does and who’s involved in your statement in as much detail as possible. It’s also important to mention your school’s core values and philosophy in an education mission statement to inspire prospective students.

Every school will have a distinct focus, which should be highlighted in the mission statement. A religious school, for example, is likely to have a very different education mission statement than a business school. It may be easier to communicate the school’s values and philosophy in writing if you consider the school’s focus, such as encouraging creativity or developing student responsibility. What you say should entice prospective students to enroll at your institution, but everything you write must be accurate. When writing the institution’s mission statement, consider what current students value and why they attend.

A summary of the types of courses offered by the school, as well as information about the students and teachers, should be included in your mission statement. You could, for example, mention the teacher-to-student ratio for each degree program. You could also mention student resources like a library, museum, or athletic fields. Write a concise description of what the school does for students in terms of meeting their needs and preparing them for their careers and futures in your education mission statement.

You could mention it if the school for which you’re writing a mission statement has a unique history or has won awards, especially if it relates to core values and purpose. Your education mission statement should describe the school’s current and past activities. You might even want to include a chronological summary of the school’s highlights over the years.

Try to keep the education mission statement to a few easy-to-read paragraphs when writing it. Always use simple language that is free of pretentious words or jargon. The goal of writing a mission statement is to highlight the organization’s accomplishments, but the focus should be on what makes your school unique, not on making it sound important. However, you could mention what the school is dedicated to accomplishing as well as specific examples of what it has accomplished in this regard.