How Effective Is Bee Pollen for Weight Loss?

Some advocates claim a unique source of weight loss supplements can aid in shedding unwanted weight. Bee pollen for weight loss allegedly bolsters metabolism: a process which in part transforms nutrients into energy. If an individual’s energy consumption is sped up, then body fat should burn easier. Other possible weight loss variables in bee pollen include appetite reduction and fat-burning substances. While the potential of bee pollen for weight loss is promising, individual results may vary widely and more scientific research that provides validation for these claims is needed.

Bee pollen for weight loss or other health-related substances will likely prove more effective if the substance meets certification standards implemented for drugs and supplements. These guidelines — known as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) — are designed for quality control. They set out specific standards in testing and production that a product must meet before it is deemed safe. Different regions impose variable guidelines. Individuals should check any bee pollen product’s GMP designation before using it.

The primary proposed contribution of bee pollen for weight loss is fat burning potential. Proponents claim that it corrects the slow metabolism that can cause weight gain. In addition, bee pollen contains a substance known as lecithin, which may actually help remove fat from the body.

Another bee pollen substance composed of amino acids, phenylalanine, is said to dampen food cravings. This substance has some demonstrated ability in appetite suppression. Since appetite controls hunger and the need for food, a lowered appetite will usually lead to less food ingested and, subsequently, less weight gained.

An additional factor can further bolster bee pollen’s weight loss potential: insulin. This hormone found in the body promotes fat storage. Certain substances like protein and some fats can keep insulin levels in check. Bee pollen happens to contain both of these substances, which may slow the body’s fat storage processes.

Some other variables can also enhance the benefits of bee pollen for weight loss. Ingestion of water with the bee pollen can increase the rate of blood stream absorption. In addition, bee pollen is full of nutrients, particularly several types of vitamin. This factor alone may increase its health appeal. A healthy body bolstered by the right nutrients has more energy to expend and burn.

The aforementioned properties may attest to bee pollen’s potential as a weight loss supplement, but individuals should not expect a quick solution to weight loss woes. Maintaining healthy eating habits and a routine exercise program will likely aid any weight loss endeavor. Other supplements combined with bee pollen may further bolster health and weight loss, namely nutrient-rich natural sources like lotus seed and barberry. Some scientific research does validate the health properties of bee pollen, yet specific research into weight loss and bee pollen is less abundant. Consultation with a physician is advisable before an individual embarks on any health-related endeavor.