How Many Baseballs Are Used in an Average Game?

During Major League Baseball (MLB) games, eight to 10 dozen baseballs are used in an average game. Baseballs are moved out of play if the pitcher throws a pitch that ends in the dirt, or if the umpire or pitcher feels the balls has a dent or is lopsided. As of 2014, the average lifespan of a baseball during a major league game is roughly eight pitches. Once baseballs are no longer in the game, they are recycled for batting practice or moved into the minor leagues.

More about baseball:

In the early history of baseball, players wore straw hats.
Regulation baseballs contain 108 stitches and are done by hand with two straight needles.
On the 100th anniversary of baseball, the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum was created in Cooperstown, New York.