How Many Types of Cancer are There?

In all, there are around 200 different types of cancer that can affect the human body. A large percentage of people will be affected by some form of cancer or other in their lifetime. Some types are more serious than others, some cancers can be treated more easily than others, and the survival rate varies among types.
There are two general categories of cancer. Carcinomas are cancers that develop on the surface linings of the organs. Sarcinomas are cancers that develop in the cells, and they affect solid tissues such as muscle and bone. They can also develop in the blood vessels.

The human body is made up of tiny cells, each of which contains genes. Proteins inside these genes regulate the division and multiplication of the cells. If a gene becomes damaged, the cells can continually grow and divide without stopping. If too many of these damaged cells form together, they can grow into a tumor.

Tumors can either be malignant or benign. Malignant tumors are the serious cancers because they can multiply and spread throughout the body’s tissues and organs. Not all types of cancer form tumors, however, and cancers of the blood, such as leukemia, attack other areas of the body through the bloodstream.

Many of the causes of certain cancers are known. Contributing factors to cell damage include smoking, high exposure to the sun and an unhealthy diet. It has been proven that many types of cancer, such as breast cancer, are hereditary. There are also links between cancer and obesity or a lack of exercise.

The symptoms of cancer vary according to the form of the disease, although different types usually have a few common symptoms. These may include weight loss, lethargy, and strange lumps or swellings. Cancer may also produce night sweats, fever and anemia. These symptoms can all be caused by other illnesses, so it is important for people who experience them to consult a medical professional as early as possible.

The form of cancer treatment chosen will depend on how advanced the cancer is and the type of cancer present. There are three main types of cancer treatment: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Surgery is used to remove solid tumors, and it is commonly used in the early stages of cancer. Chemotherapy is a type of medication used to shrink tumors or kill cancerous cells. Radiotherapy consists of using radiation from x-rays to destroy cancerous cells. All three treatments have a higher success rate in reducing or killing cancer if the disease is caught early.